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Archive for May, 2008|Monthly archive page

Museum of Computing Needs a New Home

In Uncategorized on May 8, 2008 at 11:32 am

Bit of an unusual post this one, but when we uncover kit that my girlfriend says “haven’t you chucked out that museum piece yet?” I tend to call up the Museum of Computing in Swindon.  Consequently they’ve got a few random oddities from my IT past including an old Sinclair QL and the very rare QL Monitor that came with it, as well as the tiny and unpopular Rex card sized organiser.

Anyway, the whole point of this post is to raise awareness of their need for a new home by the end of July.  If you, or anyone you know, has the capability to offer some real and useful help then they’d love to hear from you.  IT industry firms are probably the best candidates.

Visit the Museum of Computing’s website…